Friday, May 19, 2006

I am Perfect

I didn't write anything yesterday, so I am making today's a two-parter. Enjoy!


I didn't ever think I was a superstitious person. I have some serious OCD, so that affects my behavior; but superstition isn't my style...or maybe it is. I do believe in luck, and because of that, certain things in a given day will trigger me to think if that day is a lucky one, or if I should go home right away. Little things like, what was the first song that came on my mp3 player in the morning (I have it on shuffle...gotta love the random), or if the bus/subway arrives at the stop at the same time as me. Sometimes, if something really great happens during the day, it goes through my head that something I am wearing must be lucky. Earrings are my big thing. If I am having a bad luck day, I sometimes take my earrings off, just to see if that is what has affected the day (and you know, sometimes, I swear to makes a difference) So basically, I am a crazy superstitious person, and I didn't even know it.


I was on the phone the other day with my Aunt Peggy. We were talking about my cousin's wedding a few weeks ago. They got back a lot of the pictures and she was describing the best ones to me (it sounds like a super fun conversation, I know) She then said, 'You and your sister are so photogenic. But I swear, Carrie, some of these photos of you are really funny.'
It made me think how many stupid photos there must be of me out there. I blame it mostly on my father, the photographer. He wouldn't ever take just one picture, he took 5, so after smiling for 4 pics, I would usually pose or make a face or something.
Anyway, I went online and looked around for other stupid pictures I have are a few of the best (trust me, there are MANY more where they came from)

Thanks, Dad. I do appreciate your taking my picture as you stand right next to me. I'm sure, you being a professional photographer and all, that it will turn out great.

I have never actually worn this costume. This is the photoshop work of one Glennis McMurray. I just think its really funny to look at.

This is a prime example of how I love to take joke photos. OR, is it an example of how strong I truly am?
photo courtesy of Ms. Moira Keihm

I love that my sister looks so great in this photo. Now she is going to put this picture in a frame as a great shot of her and me. Nevermind that I look like a drunk.

Ah, Christmas with the family. That is a statue of a little boy peeing that is supposed to be used for pouring wine. Leave it to me to come up with the tackiest photo possible.

And this, my friends, is one of my all-time favorite pictures. Sirrah and I were on our last day in London. If you ever meet Sirrah, tell her you saw this picture and ask her how hung over she was. We are so pretty...