Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A TEMPorary Good Idea?

So I went to my cousin's wedding this last weekend. It was in Chicago, and it was a full weekend of festivities. This meant that ALL of my family would be around ALL weekend. Friday-Sunday, all family, all the time.
Now, I have never been an advocate for lying to your family, but I swear, if you are ever in this situation, lie like your life depends on it.
I don't think I have ever had so many people ask me about my life. 'So you quit your job? How are you making money? You're TEMPING? Where? Oh, do you like it/would you stay? What do you want to do? Are you seeing anyone?' (that one always gets asked, but I threw it in to further prove my point)
The worst, by far, was my Uncle. He approached me AT THE WEDDING RECEPTION and started in on me right away. Now this is a man I have always gotten along with, and I think he is a doll...and until now I never understood why his own kids don't talk to him that much.
Here is how it went:

Uncle - I just spoke to your mom and she says you quit your job. Why?
Me - Well, it was time. I had been there almost three years and I knew I didn't want to pursue the field I was in.
Uncle - But you left without having another job?
Me - Yes.
Uncle - (dumbfounded) Why?
Me - I didn't want to be an agent, and I knew that so long as I was comfortable there I would never really try to pursue other work.
Uncle - You know there is something to be said for being comfortable and getting a paycheck.
Me - Yeah, I know. But I'm only 25, it's ok for me to shake things up a bit. And I am temping now, so I am making some money.
Uncle - Temping? But you said you wanted to pursue other work. Do you have any irons in the fire?
Me - Yeah, a couple. I am really taking some time to figure out what I want to do.
Uncle - But couldn't you have done that at your previous job?
Me - I guess so, but again, I just needed a change.
Uncle - Do you really think that was a good idea?
Me - (pause....pause...pause) Yes.
Uncle - Well, you are a lot braver than I am. I would think you wanted more security than that.
Me - Thanks...? (and then I made like someone was calling for me across the room and left)

I mean, what is with that!!!??? 'Do you really think that was a good idea?' Did he really ask me that? What was I supposed to say to him? 'Oh my're right! I should try to get that job back!!!' How mean is it to rub my face in the fact that, technically, I am still unemployed.
Anyway, had to get that off my chest. It has been a week and a half since the wedding and I am still recovering.
Too much family is NOT a good thing.