Glass Ceiling
I have been temping at the same office now for over a month. There is the one boss whom I basically report to and am the executive assistant to, and then there is this other boss who doesn't really bother me...or so I thought.He has now started to rely on me for what I call, 'bitch' services. He is a young guy, in his early 30s, and normally very nice...however, I now get the feeling that if he could call me 'Sweet Cheeks' in the work place without the risk of a lawsuit, he would.
He continually comes scuffling up to my desk and asks in this annoying voice like he is making a joke, 'Caaaaaarrrie, I need a favor...' And then he proceeds to ask me to do some inane task that he could have done in the same time it took him to come to my desk and ask me. Stuff like, 'can you call the Apple store and see if they can replace my broken IPOD?' or 'Can you put this shirt in an envelope so I can mail it properly?' or my personal favorite, 'I am going to forward these forms to you, can you print them, put them in a folder, and give the folder to me?' ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!????!!!! What the hell is wrong with people in a work environment that they ask other people to do things?
I hope I am never in a position where I can't know my own office and take care of things myself. Why would you want to rely on someone to do those things? I know they are annoying, but you are hiring an assistant, not a servant. When this office gives me work like that, I start muttering the same thing to myself, 'I am a college graduate. I have a degree. I worked for three years as an assistant with real responsibility. I am better than this. Etc' But that is always followed by, 'I am just a temp. This is not a permanent job. I am just a temp. Temp. Temp.' Sometimes it helps.
Well, at least it calms me down a little bit. Ok, so not at all...but its true. Just a temp, just a temp. Temp Temp Temp...
ok, gotta go...I am sure I need to go and spit shine the shoes of one of my bosses.