Tuesday, November 21, 2006

London Calling

In 37 hours I will be in London. I am so excited. Its Thanksgiving, so I know its weird to LEAVE the country...but trust me, the airfares are a lot lower than usual - because who would leave for the UK on Thanksgiving!?!?! Well, I would. And I am.
I usually like to travel that way about once a year. I have friends I can stay with and they always show me a good time. I haven't been for over a year and a half, since I quit my job this year and went for a few months without any solid income. So I was way overdue for a large trip.
What's weird this time is that I am actually nervous. Not for the flight...that stuff never bugs me. And not for the general travelling, because I know it is only a hassle for a bit. No, I am nervous for the first time in my life about actually being in London...and not because of terrorism, contrary to what my old boss thinks. I feel like for the first time I am a real adult going abroad for a few days. My friends are all in relationships, they all have steady day jobs, and they all live and work in London. It boggles my mind. I mean...these were kids that taught me my first ever drinking games, and now they have live in girl/boy friends. Crazy
Now, the last time I visited in 2005 I went with my friend, Sirrah. She had never been and I felt comfortable enough to be her tourguide. I can only assume that was the reason that trip didn't make me nervous. I had a purpose. In the daytime when my friends were at work or where ever, Sirrah and I were seeing the sights.
My trip to London before that was a bit of a bust. I had a good time in the beginning, but it started to diminish in fun after the third day. People just didn't seem that pumped to go out with me, and I was on my own most of the time. I was so upset about not enjoying my trip that I started thinking that I shouldn't go back again for awhile. So when I went the next year with Sirrah, we had such a good time together that it redeemed London in my eyes.
Now I am travelling alone again. And I think I am nervous that I won't have tons o' fun. So I have to rally tonight, kids. I have to rally.
So nothing but positive thinking from now on. So what if I haven't coordinated with any of my friends yet. So what if I don't have anyone to meet me at the airport...or know where I am going to be staying...or how to get there, once I know where I'm staying. I am sure it'll all work itself out.

NO WORRIES, MATE!! (oh wait...that's australian, isn't it? Damn.)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A code in by dose

Literal translation: I have a cold in my nose. And my head...sinuses...throat...etc. Is there anything worse than being sick? Well yes, funny you should ask. You could be sick...AT WORK. There actually isn't anything worse than that.
I don't usually want to lay my head down on my desk, but I have done it twice today already - and its only 11:00am.
When I was a kid, I didn't get to stay home from school a lot. It was not really an option, unless I was really really sick. So I was forced at an early age to suck it up and deal with my illnesses as best I could. So it follows that when I became an adult that I still forced myself to go to work even when every fiber of my being tells me to stay home and sleep it off.
What is funny is that when I actually get to work, everyone always tells me to go home. People are always shocked that if I wake up sick that I still try to make myself function like a normal person.
So what is the answer? I don't know if I will ever be able to make myself call in sick to work if all I have is a cold. Its that first call where you have to still make yourself sound sicker than you already are, thats what kills me. The guilt - oh the guilt.

So my whole point for this is that I am sick today...and I think I will be going home in a couple of hours. So if you need me...I'll be at home.