Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Cold Call Manor

So part of my new job is to make cold calls to agencies and try to "pitch" our company and what we offer. That part of my new job sucks ass.
I hate making cold calls. Basically what it means is that I have to call people randomly, out of the blue, and disrupt their day with my inane sputterings about our company. The worst is that I really don't have a script to say, so I always end up stumbling and saying the wrong thing. Like yesterday, I was on the phone with a woman who I knew from my previous job, and I was starting to get somewhere with her. It was as if she had just eaten and was in a good mood, so I pressed on. Then she asked me something about rates compared to other companies. My response? "Oh. Um. Well, we have excellent rates. And a really clean kitchen with loads of food."
Ok. Not the approach I should have taken. I must have sounded like such an idiot. Seriously. Who talks like that? I was the Forrest Gump of cold calls. And while our kitchen services are great, I am sure that when she asked me about the rates, she wasn't really secretly asking about the kitchen.
Anyway, I hate doing I only really do about 2-3 a day. It feels like I am a telemarketer, and lord knows how I hate them. It is such a disruption of your day, and I feel like making calls like that actually makes people hate me, instead of wanting to work with me. When will it all end???

"Hello. My name is Carrie. Let me tell you about a fantastic opportunity..."