Thursday, July 27, 2006

Gym with Me

Today, I would like to discuss the etiquette of the gym.
First, an anecdote:

I was at the gym at 6:00am last Friday. No, I am not crazy, sometimes I just really like to go in the morning. Anyway, at peak times on weekdays (meaning 5:30-9:30am, 5:30-8:30pm) there is an unwritten rule of 30 minutes per machine. This means that you can't do an hour on an eliptical machine, as there are only so many of them, and a lot of people at the gym.
The first time I heard about this, I thought, what are they gonna do, kick me off the machine?? And then I got my answer...yes, they will. Whoever is waiting in line for a machine...either they will come up to you and tell you to get off, or they will get someone who works at the gym to tell you that you're done. It is upsetting when it happens to you...but then you get over it, move on, and learn from it. or so I thought.
So back to my morning at the gym. i was waiting in line for an eliptical machine. There are five elipticals on this floor, and three of them are a different brand...and I like them the best. Anyway, a girl gets in line in back of me and asks how much longer. I told her I wasn't sure, so she got a gym worker to ask each of the ladies that were currently on the machines.
Two of the three machines I like best were only halfway through their workout, but on the other one, the woman told the worker she was just going to do her cooldown and then be done. So I got excited. Then one of the machines that I don't like frees up, and it is also a machine where the tv headphones don't I was gracious and told the girl in back of me to go ahead onto that one (she brought an ipod..didn't need the tv) and I waited anxiously for the other machine.
So about four minutes pass and one other woman gets off a machine that I don't like, but I decided that I have a minute more so I would just wait it out. But then the lady on the machine I have been waiting for looks at me and gestures to the newly opened machine. It needs to be noted, however, that she didn't not gesture in any kind of nice way. It was more like, "UH - hellllloooo. here's an open machine! stupid!"
I said, "oh, I actually prefer your machine."
She then looks at me in disgust and says, "Well, I'm gonna go another round. So why don't you get on that machine instead." To which I replied, "But you told the gym employee that you were doing your cool down. You've already had a half hour on that machine."
Her: "Yeah. But this machine is free now for you and I will go again on this one. I want to do a longer workout."
Me: (so disappointed and hoping to not get really upset at the gym) "But you said- I mean, I've been waiting - You already did - "
Her: "You can't just wait for one machine. You just have to take which one is available."
Me: "But yours is about to be available!" (yes, I am starting to get upset and raise my voice)
Her: "But now its not available. I am going to do a longer workout."
Me: "Fine. Fine. And lets all thank you for being so polite first thing in the morning. Great attitude."
Her: "I think YOU'RE not being polite."
Me: "Fuck you lady, and the fucking horse you rode in on. You don't deserve a longer workout. No matter what you do, you will always be ugly. There is nothing special about you or the money you pay to this gym that entitles you to anything different than anyone here. And seriously, if I see you in here again, I am gonna pee in your water bottle." (of course, that part was all in my head)

So I have been seriously thinking about this. Was I the impolite one? The worst part is, to get into an argument at 6:00 in the morning starts your day on a particular low note. It sets the bar for the day really low.
Anyway, I've seen her there a couple of times since the incident. And I pretend I don't know that she exists. I just think (and I am sure it is especially so on the UES) that people have this sense of entitlement when they are paying for a service. I mean, come on. We ALL have to pay for our memberships...thats why we ALL have to follow those rules. It is the only fair way.

But fear not. Whether I am in the wrong or not...I will be peeing in her water bottle at some point down the road. Hee hee...