Wednesday, April 26, 2006

TEMPest in a teapot

So I am having a birthday party dilemma. Every year for the past three years, I have held my parties at Cabin Fever. I love that place. They do karaoke, the drinks are cheap, and they are 4 blocks from my house. Nothing better than that.
And it isn't just my birthdays. I have all kinds of parties there...the last one I held had almost 75 people throughout the night. So suffice to say, I bring in good business to them.
Anyway, so my birthday party is set for May 6th. I called the bar owner last night to confirm I could do it then and that there would be karaoke. Here is our conversation:

Gene (the owner): "Well, we have a live band scheduled at the bar that night. So that should be great for your party!"

ME: Oh, (disappointment) yeah. Um...what kind of band is it?

Gene: Well, do you know the Allman Brothers??

ME: Yeah...

Gene: They are a tribute band. They're great. They bring in great business for us.

ME: Oh, yeah. Well, Gene, let me be honest. I love live music, but the reason I love your bar so much is the karaoke. And all my friends love the karaoke as well.

Gene: Well, lets see if we can work something out. Maybe if you can guarantee 50 people, I can cancel the band.

ME: GUARANTEE?? No, sorry Gene. I want to have my party at your bar, but I can't guarantee 50 people.

Gene: You know what, Carrie. You are so great to us, we love holding your parties. If you want karaoke that night, let me call my karaoke guy and see if he's free. I'll call you tomorrow.

ME: Oh great, Gene! That's super. Thanks so much!!!


ME: (calling Gene) Hey Gene. It's Carrie. Just seeing if we are all set for the 6th.

Gene: Hey Carrie. Oh yeah, its no problem. Figure its a done deal. I'm just waiting to hear back from my karaoke guy. He is pretty flaky about getting back to me. But don't worry, if he can't do it, we'll figure something out. It'll be karaoke or the band.

ME: (pause pause) OH. So, if your guy isn't available, you are still going with the tribute band??

Gene: Yeah. So, I'll call you when I hear from him.

ME: um....ok (weak)

So thats that. I am now stuck. I can't send out my invitations yet because there is no way on god's green earth I am having my party at a bar with an ALLMAN BROTHERS TRIBUTE BAND. I hate this. More than that, I hate the thought that I will have to find a whole new bar to have my party...and the scary scary thought that there might not be karaoke.

Why does my birthday have to bring me such woes!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!